Weekly Newsletter March 31st 2024 – Year B



Parish Priest: Rev Dariusz Bialowas

Tel: 01933 353649

Deacon: Rev Peter Remmington

Parish Secretary: Charmaine: Tue to Thu: 10am – 2pm Parish Safeguarding Representative: Stuart Pearce

Email: parish.stpeterrushden@northamptondiocese.org

Website: https://rushdencatholicchurch.co.uk/

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/rushdencatholic

Facebook: www.facebook.com/StPeterApostle



31st March 2024 – YEAR B




MASS BOOK:                   Vigil:       Page 220

Morning: Page 255

PREFACE:                        Page 73


MYSTERY OF FAITH:     We proclaim your Death, O Lord…

Sat:     8.00pm – Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection –

Special Intention

Sun:  10:00am – Clorindo Muccillo RIP

Tue:  10:00am – Mary Nelson RIP

Wed:   7:00pm – Samantha Miller RIP

Thu:  10:00am – Irene Carter RIP

Fri:      12 noon – Special Intention

Sat:     6:30pm – Eileen Moore RIP

Sun:  10:00am – People of St Peter’s living & deceased


Rosary: Wednesday 6:30pm

Holy Hour, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and

Confession: Friday 11am


Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Ludovicus Thibut, Rosario Raffermati, Joan Evans, Martha Robson, Stanley Hawkins, Vera Scully, Mychayl Karpjuk, Livia Iacobucci, Pura Caamano, Angela Clifford, Fanny Hazell, Julia Richardson, Helen Morgan, James Scully, Lucy McDonough and Albert Murphy

Please remember in Prayer

Nick, Alan, John, Joanna & family, Tiwayi, June, Lily, Mary, Arran, Lewis, Jose, Lisa, Rosmi, Tom, Elisha, Eileen, Abigail, Frances, Winnie, Bernadette and the O’Donnell family, Felicieu, Maureen, Ellen, Inge, Igerl family, Schifff /Alsels families, the Collett family, Teresa & family, the Rios family, Susan, Samantha, Martin, Dave, Jo, Marcus, Joyals, Neil, Sophie & the Stilton family, Steven, Hajni, Lena, Ann, George and Kevin.


OFFERTORY: Last week’s collection amounted to £596.29. Thank you very much.


EASTER CLERGY COLLECTION: Will be taken this weekend at both Masses.


THE EASTER VIGIL: Please be careful when holding your lit candle not to allow the hot wax drip outside the plate and onto the carpet.


THE DIVINE MERCY NOVENA: Starts on Good Friday, and the Divine Mercy Service will be held on the Second Sunday after Easter (April 7th) at 3pm in Church.


FOODBANK DONATIONS: There is a comprehensive list of requested items at the back of Church (including tinned foods & household goods). Please keep the donations coming, as stocks are running low and demand is increasing more and more. Thanks to everyone for all the donations, both of goods and money!


CHILDREN’S ROSARY PRAYER GROUP: Will meet on Saturday April 6th at 10am in church.


COFFEE MORNING: On Saturday April 6th, from 10am to 12 noon there will be a Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall for Church funds so please support this. There will be a cake sale and raffle.  If you can donate a cake or cakes and a prize or prizes for the raffle that will be much appreciated, please bring especially cakes before 10am on the day: thank you.


PARKING: We have received complaints about parking in front of the church and bus stop. Please consider where you park when attending Mass.


GIFT AID ENVELOPES: Existing donors, please pick up your new box of envelopes from the back of church. Any new donors (tax payers) are always welcome. You can donate any amount whenever you like and it is all in complete confidence. Please call in to the Parish Office if you are interested.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: When the weather is warmer we are looking for a few volunteers to help with the parish garden. If you are interested please contact Parish Office.


BRING HOPE AND HEALING: On the journey to Easter by donating to help Christians in Gaza at:



ROSARY GATHERING: To celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord will be held on Monday April 8th at 6pm outside Christ the Cornerstone church, Milton Keynes. See poster on noticeboard.


ALLELUIA!: A DIOCESAN MUSIC DAY: On Saturday May 11th from 11am to 3:30pm for Singers and Choirs, showcasing Parish Music for all ages. Instrumentalists Welcome. Between Ascension and Pentecost is a great time to encourage singers and music groups of all ages in your parish. With Marcela Campaña & Matt White (School Choirs), Fr Kevin McGinnell (Music & Liturgy) & Fr Daniel Rooke, Teresa Brown (Pilgrimage Mass composer) and members of the Liturgy Commission Music Section. Venue: Thomas Becket School, Becket Way Northampton NN3 6HT. Adults: £10, Young people: Free if 18 or under, must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea, coffee, juice provided. Bookings will open next week.


DON’T FORGET: The clocks go forward an hour tonight (Saturday 31st April) for the start of British Summer Time.


A very Happy Easter to you All


Fr Dariusz and Deacon Peter


The Lord is risen. He is risen indeed!

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